Each week I will be posting 1-2 of the workouts from the outdoor groups! Here is this week's HIIT Workout!
Time: 30 seconds on/ 15 seconds rest x8
1:15 min rest moving onto next station
Workout Duration: Roughly 36-37 minutes for the entire workout not including the warmup
Skipping/ wallsit
Running/ Pushups
Skaters/ deadlifts
Heel taps/ shoulder press
Running/ Single leg squats to the bench (3 each leg alternating)
How it Works:
Do the first exercise for 30 seconds. Take 15 seconds rest and then do the second exercise.
Continue alternating until you have done 8 efforts or 4 of each.
For example:
1. 30 seconds of skipping
15 sec rest
2. 30 second wall sit
15 sec rest
3. 30 seconds of skipping
15 sec rest
4. 30 second wall sit
... All the way to 8.
Enjoy! :)